
“The smart one” doesn’t mean he’s “smart”, just the least stupid. Alas, the least stupid one is clearly Tiffany, for keeping out of all this.

The Trumpies don’t have to cover their tracks when there’s no push from the republican fucks in Congress to prosecute them. The sad truth is that it’s not 1972 anymore; there’s no push for them to do what’s right over what’s politically expedient. And today’s republicans ONLY do what’s politically expedient.

I thought Marty Culp was traditionally a sketch with Ana Gasteyer, not Shannon.

It’s delusional to think that that is what the headline is saying, or that any liberal considers Weinstein to be one of them anymore.

It is about time somebody really stuck it to those airline pilots. Those bastards.

“the episode was no longer relevant in the wake of Trump’s election win.”

There’s nothing in the headline that would even qualify as an opinion; it’s just a recitation of facts.

There was an article on here a few years ago where she was interviewed saying she sees no need to see movies that aren’t new and that she refuses to watch Black & White movies because they’re dumb. So for a cinephile like me that’s more than enough for me to declare She’s Got Something Wrong With Her.

I bet she’s a train wreck type of girlfriend. The kind you have to carry out to the car after the party because she’s been rolling around on the floor delirious after three beers. 

Now I’m so disillusioned! Maybe a relationship between a 27-year-old woman and a 48-year-old man is not guaranteed to succeed.

“The prime years”? You suck, pal.

To hell with all the ingrates who didn’t get it

Mother do you think I should date an actor?

from the pic above id say more christian bale

To be fair, I’m pretty sure American society as a whole has changed how it views such things drastically in the past 5 years alone.

Jesus Christ... to steal Nate’s bit: I hate this shit.

Yeah, like I just said in my own comment, he’s the nicest man in show business. A lot of artists know they’ve made it when Weird Al gives them a call.

Invoke the ire of Weird Al and prepare for some MANDATORY FUN

It’s funny you say this because even though I read and loved IT as a kid, for most of my life “Pennywise” has been the band first, the clown second.

Fox News are committing Word Crimes on an hourly basis.