
Pai is the dictionary definition of a fox in the henhouse, so that clearly failed here

I love those people who buy into the myth that government does everything poorly (it’s not that they do things poorly, it’s that they have to plan carefully or are being constrained by budgets which in that case is the fault of the taxpayers).

Get fucked, Pai.

This is great. After this, I can’t wait until they finish privatizing the military! Then they’ll do the same with police and fire departments. “Someone broke into your house and is now trying to stab you? I’m sorry, sir. You don’t have a subscription with us. What? No, we’ll need to conduct a credit check and collect

This is the obligatory reminder that Pai is former Associate General Council for Verizon, meaning that, like the SEC and Dick Cheney, the primary regulatory body charged with overseeing media conglomerates is headed by people who were directly employed by those companies before they got the oversight job and will

I try to rarely say I hate someone, given how strong the implication.

Ajit Pai’s reign at the FCC is one of the pre-eminent examples in the US of the Republican’s reinvention of language. Sure, this is nothing new (reframing abortion into pro-life vs pro-choice is one antecedent from both sides), but the FCC seems like its especially prone to doubletalk and newspeak. Restoring Internet

I hate that asshole so fucking much. This is horrifying.

As I said on the Lifehacker article but bears repeating:

You say Vulptex Crystal Fox, I say Alola Vulpix from Pokemon S&M.

Look at the fine stitching on “dope”

This reminds me of that time George W. Bush was in that public feud with Flavor Flav over what Rumsfeld did to the hot tub.

It ever WASN’T total nonsense?

I’ll field this one.

As a Native American, the only thing offensive to me about Elizabeth Warren’s ancestry (or lack thereof) is that white people keep bringing it up.

It is important to follow other political races going on, especially with those considered allies, enemies maybe even moreso.

Warren’s made it clear her intent is to stay in Senate anyways so she is most likely never going to run for President. Probably realizes that legislation is more important to be a part of.

You really need to start disclaiming all of these opinions with your actual nationality, especially when you claim to know who does and does not speak for actual Americans.

I really hope they don’t muddle this. One of the crappiest parts of the first season was James basically having an emotional affair with Kara while he was with Lucy- it made him look like a douche and Kara and Lucy look like morons.

Remember when Jake Gyllenhaal was going to replace Tobey Maguire as Spider-man?