
All I can say is, the commercials for this didn’t inspire confidence. Usually studios can cobble together all the best parts for a commercial. It might even be a decent movie, but when the commercials make it look bad—Batmans’s “I’m rich”, Aquaman’s “I can dig it”—there’s a problem.

You know, I did have a feeling that something was flopping around like a dead fish at the Box Office.

I will say that both the directors cut of MoS and BvS elevated the material from “abysmal” to “just merely awful”, for what it’s worth.

There is already a petition for a Snyder cut, yeah because the directors cut saved his and DC’s last critically failed efforts.

“Shut up, Wesley!”

Sheldon Cooper

And I double posted like a newb. Stupid Kinja

It’s hard to see how someone responsible for maybe 20% of the movie is more to blame than someone responsible for 80% of it.

Yeah,  there is a Pixar movie opening this week.  There is no way Justice League is gonna rally and stick around

The Devil Went Down to My Ass

I f you like that, ask for a bald knobber jamboree some day.

You’re Always On My Mind, My Ass

For the life of me, I don’t know why the peaceful, benign, actually-easy-to-ignore-if-you-think-about-it NFL protests have made certain people so fucking angry.*

I once waited 2 hours to get my picture taken with Ozzy at Tower Records. Right after I got my Polaroid taken, I pulled a disposable camera from my pocket and took another picture with Ozzy.

Joy Villa politely requests you secure her malt beverage a moment.

You know what more disrespectful than taking a knee during The Pledge Of Allegiance or National anthem? Serving in the US military, fighting for our freedom, coming home and getting shot dead because you were driving while Black.

Why is this filed under “Music”?

Have you dodged a draft while still publicly denouncing draft dodging? If so you are probably a Republican elected official of some sort.

No, no, no. It’s about hating freedom and our troops, apparently.

This is a major blow to the NFL’s efforts to force all Americans to kneel during the national anthem, which I am also against. That’s what this is about, right? I get my news from Fox, so I am woefully misinformed.