
Even though I have years of evidence demonstrating that Donald Trump is a putrid sack of neanderthal smegma, every once in a while he still manages to surprise me with just how amoral, opportunistic and generally shitty he is. He debases humanity on a minute-by-minute basis.

Agreed. I love the book, but adding the Slugworth test in the movie made the story so much better.

Likely scenario: Franken will end up stepping down because liberals are of such higher standards or whatever. Moore will still win and nothing matters anymore.

It still makes me so mad that the Republicans got away with that. It’s such an obvious distortion of the Constitution that they claim to worship as sacrosanct.

Fun fact: it’s actually Al Franken-stein’s monster. Common misconception.

Trump/Republican hypocrisy is nothing new. It’s not indictable. His base doesn’t care. The GOP certainly doesn’t care. Our only options are Mueller and a Democratic wave in the mid-terms that will allow them to start the impeachment proceedings that should have been in place since Day 1 of his administration. And then

It’s pronounced Fronkensteen

I can’t believe I had to scroll down so far to find Jaws, the Platonic ideal of the movie-over-book improvement.

It’s a tricky question as to whether Kurbick was right to omit that final chapter.

Kinja exists to make people look stupid.

Because the Kinja software so commonly publishes two comments when the Publish button is hit once, it really confuses me that the Kinja software doesn’t have a delete option for comments.

Itchy and Scratchy: The Movie - the novel by Norman Mailer just isn’t nearly as good as the movie.

The Adventures of Pluto Nash; the novella by Vonnegut was unreadable.

Way to find that silver lining @TheGameroomBlitz. Kudos.

I’m more than fine with questioning, but you’re not making a nuanced Chomsky-esque critique. You’re throwing around words like “corrupted” like some tin-foil hatted loon. The New York Times and local papers around the country have plenty of “real journalists.” Acting as if truth is some esoteric commodity only

The problem is that these are usually the only sources of local journalism, which is essential if people are to make informed decisions that effect their communities. Otherwise, Sinclair can just tell them how they’re better off closing the public schools and homeschooling their kids in Jesus studies.

I hate this shit.

The death of the Fairness Doctrine and the destruction of the legislation that prevented consolidation of media ownership are at the root of everything wrong with this country right now.

So I guess Weird Al’s got his villain for UHF 2, huh?

Better hope that one company isn’t Univision.