
She almost won?

That not true at all. Whole reason Obama took shots at Trump was because Trump had spent whole year peddling racist conspiracy theories about birth certificate. And Trump was running for president at time. Me not think Trump got more focused between funny-ha-ha 2012 run and funny-terrifying 2016 run; me think

It’s funny to think that just a few years ago the religious right mostly busied itself by policing 2 Live Crew lyrics and stopping public schools from handing out condoms. Now they find themselves in cahoots with actual perverts, pedophiles, and philanderers. I hope this tape is real just so we can see the

Bee, you’re not even a Yankee, you’re Canadian.

Also, come home. We miss you and the daily news from America is downright terrifying.

Not really. I watched her show when it first came on and initially found it bracing, but it quickly curdled into strident screeching-to-the-choir. I definitely don’t find it that funny aside from the occasional well-honed insult toward (almost always) Trump, and that’s usually more in the writing than her delivery.

True, on the other hand have you read the bible? There is some really skeevy stuff going on in it. No wonder its fanboys are kinda screwed up.

We are so far through the looking glass that as stated, he could shoot someone in the face on 5th avenue and it would not sway a third of the country.

I dare Samantha Bee to prove me wrong by lowering her voice and being funny.

But there’s a lot of success with the “your ideas are for hicks”, though. Smoking was popular when it was associated with glamorous celebrities. Now pretty much only yokels smoke and people are quitting not so much because it is unhealthy (it’s not like people are stopping eating fried foods or whatever), but because

I’m going to split the difference and say with confidence that it is probably real, or not real, but it doesn’t matter either way.

It’s purely symbolic. It would take actual support from house & senate republicans, which just ain’t gonna happen.

And that is why they will keep winning. They have an indivisible base; and they’re willing to reach out to people who can be turned. (Not willing to actually do anything to help them, of course, but they’ll at least talk like they will.)

Meanwhile, the Democrats have a divided and infinitely divisible base, and

what do those wacked-out Japanese cartoons have to do with it?

Typical Roy Moore for Senate canvassing conversation:

I heard someone make a good point: if the pee-pee tape came out tonight, and we could all watch it on TV and online, it would be a non-story a week from now, because that’s where we are.


Yeah. There is now quite clearly nothing that the Republican base considers unacceptable any more. They are beyond tribal now in their mentality.

Number One reason

I was thinking the same thing. Trump showing basic human decency to a non-rich brown person would be about the only thing to really rock his base.

Now that Alabama is set to make a pedophile a senator, this whole pee tape thing seems kinda quaint.