
Hannimal’s latest public embarrassment

Whatever they are paying him, it still is hard being the only honest person doing actual news at FOX News.

Why do people watch this crap? Does it hurt to think for yourself?

The BEST THING about Gohmert’s graph is that it manages to link Obama to ... Obama (Obama in the lower right corner to Obama just under Uranium One). Some idiot thought it was necessary to draw a line between the two.

He looks like the kid at the 8th grade science fair who’s been held back three years, but this time he’s trying really hard.

Having done a little graphics work myself, I always think about the poor, underpaid graphics guy who had to pull all this together from what I’m assuming was a fistful of bar napkins that Hannity threw at him 10 minutes before air and told him to make into a legible chart.

Not to beat a dead horse, but Walter is the biggest mistake of that film. He just seems a bland, boring, textbook definition of corporate meddling. Whether it actually was or just a Jason Segal idea that misfired, He feels like nothing more than a very overworked, focus-tested character meant more for selling

That wasn’t helped by them cutting all earlier references to Walter’s whistling. It’s all in the deleted scenes on the disc.

I’m not sure why they couldn’t make him more Muppety. I get that that’s basically the point, but there are other humanoid Muppets that still feel like Muppets — Roosevelt Franklin, Prairie Dawn,

Also, it’s not the “real” Muppets. There are no puppets, none of the performers worked on it, and it had its own creative staff with little to no overlap with the main Muppet productions. It was a very good Saturday morning cartoon, but it’s not a great Muppet thing.

The Muppets is good, but it spends too much time talking about why the Muppets were important and fun and not enough time letting the Muppets be fun.

It’s just a bit too nostalgia soaked to pay off for me. I want to see the Muppets on a wacky, anarchic adventure. Which is why, as unpopular as it was, Muppets Most

Yo, it’s not a movie in the slightest, sooooo

It’s really the worst. It’s why they don’t set any movies in it.

I like Muppet Treasure Island but I am GOBSMACKED that anyone could think it’s the best Muppet movie. Did you see it as a kid or something? (And I ask as someone who enthusiastically went to see it opening weekend as a teenager, with a bunch of other teenagers.) I thought people might be down on it because it’s not

Kermit loves his friends, but it is equally in-character for him to be so frustrated with their dysfunction that I could see him losing it on them in such a big way that nobody knew their way back to an apology.

Nothing beats Muppet Babies except The Muppet Show, Muppets Tonight, all of the Muppet movies, The Jim Henson Hour, A Muppet Family Christmas, segments of Sesame Street featuring Kermit, and ads for Wilkins Coffee.

That Muppet made of leather acted his ass off.

In a sign that I have thought way, way too much about this, I tried to make sense of the completely contradictory continuity that the movies try to foist off on us, and pretty much decided that there are three levels to it (warning: this is fairly deep nerdery, even by AV Club levels):

Gonzo, duh.

One thing I would have liked in Muppets is if the studio told them that the kids are more into CGI these days. Pixar is what the people want, not puppets.

Who would be the typewriter in that scenario?