
Considering the website is owned by IBM and the channel is owned by a consortium including NBC, it’s not surprising they have different tones.

Yeah, but to be fair the world doesn’t even need any more Star Wars films. We had 2.5 good ones and that was enough.

I think Carrie was always willing to admit that she could be a little snarky. We don’t need to pretend otherwise just because she’s dead.

Nah, Time Warner Cable

He didn’t say anything about the content. His point was that it would be too much pressure. A sequel to a more minor franchise would presumably be much less pressure.

I like how Fincher sniffs his nose at Star Wars and Marvel films, but apparently has no problem applying his talents to a World War Z sequel...


I think it’s more that just, no matter how long we look at this or how many “holes” conspiracy theorists “find” in official accounts, the “Oswald acted alone” version has continuously held up better than whatever specific bullshit alternative is presented. The fact that there are dozens of popular conspiratorial

Jesus. I do hope you’re getting paid for this sort of thing.

For all that sheer volume you aren’t addressing the primary issues of the contrary accounts and mortality rates of witnesses or the adversarial relationship he ultimately had with the state department and CIA, along with the men he initially “chose to

Or two-thirds of Americans could be fucking idiots. I personally think that figure is a little low.

Yeah, don’t care. Just allocate more aid to Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands already.

Yeah, The Weather Channel is probably the most watched network among old people after Fox News, that might have a bigger impact than the website they don’t know how to use.

Really doubt anything real juicy will be in these. If there was they wouldn’t be coming out. Now, let’s see the missing parts of the 9/11 investigation. And of course, all the UFO/alien stuff.

Roger Meyers,Sr. was the creator of Itchy & Scratchy. Word is, Trump is a big fan of his most controversial work, “Nazi Supermen Are Our Superiors.”

Can we stop putting this greaseball’s ugly, UGLY face in the header image?

I wish just one of the headlines about this would not give Trump credit for something that Congress decided in 1992. That shouldn’t be hard to do, given that he had absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the decision to release the files, or the timing of their release.

The briefcase code for the nuclear football. 1-2-3-4-5? No... You guessed it, FRANK STALLONE.

It’s just going to read “back and to the left” over and over.

Not a believer in the JFK conspiracy theories but I’m not exactly seeing the harm here. What could there be in 65 year old documents that still need to be classified to protect national security in 2017?

spoiler - obama did it. or hillary. or ted cruz’s father. either way, it’s all good.