
Well, he is a military veteran who did serve his country, and when confronted with a lie he admitted it. So no, they really aren’t anything alike.

...he never served as a SEAL, or in Vietnam.

I swear I’ve seen them show an accurate calendar date.

There’s definitely no game that delved into the existential crisis of this many characters on this level at the time FFVI was released. As you say, when everyone pushes back against Kefka, their perseverance and the enduring light they present feels fully earned and totally resonant to the player.

Shit yes they both recently collaborated with Chris Brown. Shit no I don’t give a shit about either of them anymore.

I suppose they still have to continue what they are paid to do, tracking the US’s weather local and afar.

You can also watch it for free on Crackle. It’s streaming on Amazon if you’re already a member there. And you can see a whole bunch of it on YouTube.

His career has been fun to crane your neck watching as you slowly cruise by it.


“possibly the most racist sketch ever committed to tape,”

Gerard Butler is like the male Kate Hudson, if he’s in a live-action film, give it as wide a berth as possible (Almost Famous is the exception that proves the rule for Hudson, god knows what it is for Butler. Coriolanus, maybe).

....and only for that weekend, with a sharp dropoff the next weekend and it’s out of the multiplex long before Star Wars: Mark Hamill is Your Raggedy Monk Santa Claus shows up to blow the doors off the place.

Boy Gerard Butler’s career has been fun to watch from the sidelines, but not in the right way.

Was FF6's big twist partway through another break from convention? I’m not familiar with the JRPG games that came before the SNES, but it seems to me that most of them got by with an excuse plot made of easily-understandable archetypes, like most video games did back then. You’re the good guys, they’re the bad guys,

If this guy is the future, i’ll keep living in the Past. And I ain’t listening to nobody named lil, old, young, or middle as their first name, as I already can tell their rap is gonna be shit. Now get the fuck of my lawn.

I appreciate the mobile port for fixing bugs as well as normalizing item/spell names (i.e. Phoenix Down instead of Fenix Down, Holy instead of Pearl, etc.), but you’re right that visually it was a downgrade.

I concur. There’s just something so unique; equally haunting and enchanting about all the artwork in this game. It possesses a universal aesthetic that still holds up for me... to the same degree as the 3D artwork in Homeworld.

There are certain things that players of a particular age are more likely to tolerate than youngsters, I think, and you’ve certainly identified one. A stellar translation is always appreciated (I’m looking at you, Trails In The Sky), but hardly necessary for those of us who grew up on RPGs in the 1990s.

it can be viewed that Cid’s actions on her behalf allow the light from Celes to shine amidst the ashes of Solitary Island.