
Someone like Colbert or John Oliver could do jokes biting enough to be funny and poignant for the situation.

Yup. Judicial nominees are what the evangelicals are getting in return for their support of a clearly non-religious twice-divorced serial harasser.

There was no right side in that feud. Kerrigan was Tahani Al-Jamil and Harding was Eleanor Shellstrop.

I’m not going to deny that I find Margot Robbie to be physically attractive, but firstly, it’s quite sexist to suggest that a woman can’t be physically attractive and a great actor (and that men must be appraising attractive actors with their dicks whenever they rate their performances), and secondly, there are plenty

This kind of stuff is just the logical capitalist end-point of slacktivism. It all starts with a noble impulse—I want to show my support for a cause but I don’t have the the time to commit—and becomes perverted by the instant gratification of the internet. If putting in minimal effort yields quicker feedback than

Considering the gravity of the Weinstein allegations and how widespread his abuse was, I really don’t know how they’re going to deal with it at this year’s ceremony. Certainly not in the half-hearted and glib manner James Corden did recently, one hopes. It might be best just to avoid any jokes on the matter at all

Are you kidding me? Get out of here with that bullshit. I can guarantee you it’s not the only experience like this they’ve had, and their careers would have been ruined had they gone public with it. Fuck you and fuck everyone else whose first thought in the face of blatant systemic exploitation of human beings is

Man, calling Margot Robbie a bad actor is some serious “I’m so above you sheeple” edgelord bullshit.

I doubt it. I saw both Tonya Harding and Nancy Kerrigan compete at nationals the year before the infamous kneecapping incident. Tonya could jump, but it was clear that Nancy was the way more accomplished skater all around. She really was head and shoulders above the rest of the competition. I say this as someone who’s

My favorite remains:

In defense of alllllll those knit hats, it’s not entirely fair to include them in this list. They were an imperfect symbol that we made with our own hands for ourselves and to give to others. They weren’t a commodification of feminism to make a quick buck.

“We need to realign the dilithium hyperflux chamber.”

If you have a problem with the commodification of and profit from human misery, you’re living on the wrong planet. I know I am.

The time is now for Levi’s new “Woke jeans.”

Never underestimate humanity’s ability to make a profit off of suffering... Gotta capitalize to be a capitalist!

He needs it to build His city on rock ‘n roll.

John Landis should go away.

It’s a shame that this means no official Reading Rainbow with LeVar Burton. No idea what’s WNED problem.

I thought his catchphrase was, “Coolant Leak! We’ve got a coolant leak!”
