
they an be funny looking... does that count??

At a recent family gathering I was inadvertently subjected to 3 Larry the Cable Guy specials (I think it was 3, but they all started to blur).

Oh, and here’s Dick’s son, Jack.

Conservatives can be funny? Name one.

Comedy that punches down doesn’t work as well as comedy that punches up.

Hi, I’m Harry, and this is my brother Dick.

I just feel bad for Harry’s son, Ash.

Oh man. This had dog written all over it from the trailer. It really did play like an SNL parody sketch, with the most cliched dialogue snippets ever (“He’s taunting us!!”, “He’s completely insane,” “The only thing we know for sure... is that he’s playing games with us!”). It’s like they just grabbed the scripts of

Plus the music!

Remember that classic episode of The Simpsons everyone loves? We’re stretching the joke out to an hour, adding Morgan Spurlock and plenty of new Simpsons humor to it!

It’s often been remarked-upon that Punch Out! looks like a fighting game, but is actually a rhythm or puzzle game in disguise. If you approach the game like a straight-up arcade brawler, you can probably get through Piston Honda, but you’ll get slaughtered in the second tier. That’s when you really have to learn how

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Woohoo! “Midnight Star”! “One More Minute”! Fucking “Nature Trail to Hell”!

If he dosn’t play “Waffle King” and “Biggest Ball of Twine in Minnesota” I will burn down the Vic Theatre.

“Weird Al” Yankovic.

I am so completely there. Bring on “Harvey the Wonder Hamster”.

“Not parodies” doesn’t mean “Not humorous”

I can’t wait to get intimate with Weird Al!

Non-parody does not mean non-humourous.

Once upon a time, I convinced myself that Weird Al had an entire album of Prince parodies recorded and ready to go as soon as he got the Purple Permission Paper.