
That album came out when I was in the sixth grade. Imagine how much fun a sixth grader would have with “Big Balls.”

This, exactly. A friend of a friend works in the entertainment press in LA, and word is everyone - Hollywood Reporter, Variety, LA Times, etc. - at one time or another in the last 15 years tried to do a Harvey Weinstein story. But literally no one would go on the record. And if all you have is innuendo, you don’t have

Twitter claims it suspended Rose McGowan for posting a private phone number

You can go on google and find that photo of her with Marilyn Manson wearing a very revealing dress. This is all you get and you’ll like it.

Remember a couple weeks ago when Trump threatened Nuclear War on twitter, and they kept it up because it was “newsworthy”? The day I deleted my account. This crap makes me glad I did.

Does anyone have a screencrap or, at the very least, a description of this alleged tweet? Like, I can KINDA see the reasoning of the ban based on what the number could be but, without context, hard to tell for sure.

...I had school in the morning...

Second chance to do what? Is what I’m wondering.

It’s true. I can’t deny that.

We should not be surprised by all of this he was born with a Medical condition where his ass was on his face. He also liked to get handjobs from boys with Jennifer Lopez painted on their hand.

“Biggest impediment” seems a stretch. But, we did, as a society, redefine acceptable workplace conduct to excuse Clinton. You had the greatest imaginable power disparity between the President of the United States, and a delusional 22 year old intern and (for political reasons) this was brushed off as no biggie.

We’re all in agreement that this is going to end up being a Catholic Church level bloodbath by the time it’s all over, right?

Well, it would be an excellent mic drop were it not wishful thinking. Nothing is going to change. Weinstein will go down, but then the whole thing will get swept under the rug and business will carry on as usual. Maybe the abusers will start being more careful, more subtle, but they’ll still be there in the halls of

At least he didn’t blame Obama

Yes. That’s the biggest impediment. Yes. That’s completely right. Yes. It’s somehow a Clinton’s fault.

And fuck Kinja for not letting me block your right-wing misogynistic screeds .

Why? You are really claiming that you have never been inappropriately touched by anyone? This happens to everyone regardless of sex. Most of it is ignored because people don’t feel threatened or harmed. Not saying that is how it should be, but that is how it is.

Look, my dick is my buddy but I am utterly baffled at the idea of succumbing to anthonyweiner-itis and sending dick pics. What could you possibly gain by doing this? is all I can think when another dumbass coming down with anthonyweiner-itis is in the news.


The sheer volume of public utterances this man has made guarantees that he will have said something humorously pertinent to whatever controversy is dogging him during any given news cycle.

Replacing a well known female comedienne with a barely recognizable guy.