
We have always been at war with Eastasia.

You’re assuming that it’s normal to want to rape people, and that the only thing keeping men from rape is fear of consequences.

I have no problem with this, but why even separate ‘Boy Scouts’ and “Girl Scouts’, then? Just have one big program called ‘Scouts’ and let the kids gravitate to what interests them from there.

I suppose that’s probably where this is headed, unless Girl Scout purists like their president are that prevalent.

It looks like there is now demand for an app that will post apologies for you to social media.

Except there are only a couple of rational people in this administration - Mattis and Tillerson, and Tillerson is just in it for the oil leases.

Everyone else is either crazy or evil or both.

Something like this?

Is it? Every time I see a story about Girl Scouts they’re doing something cool while every story about Boy Scouts is how they’re terrified of gay men.

Boy Scouts sell popcorn, not cookies.

 Why not show unity and have both of those organizations merge so everybody can learn a little from everybody?

It’s gonna suck when we find out Tom Hanks is a rapist.

it’s sexual harrassment. trump and affleck sexually harrassed women. if anything unwelcomed is an assault, then the word itself loses meaning. if it isn’t violent, it isn’t an assault. cosby and weinstein’s rapes can be considered assaults, but groping is not assault unless it is a violent grope.

Money and power only amplifies who you already are, and does not turn a normal person into a rapist like the poster implied.

I wonder if they’d tried simply telling Trump things that they haven’t done. He wants ten times the nukes? “Oh yeah boss, we went and made ten times the nukes. In fact, some places got eleven times the nukes. Bigly.”

I don’t believe money and power turns a person into a sexual predator.

You forgot that guy who posted on here last night that we’d totally do the same thing in his position, and if we denied it, we’re simply lying to ourselves.

He’s totally right in this though, we need to make sure we have enough nukes to wipe out the Earth 73 times over as opposed to the 32 times over we currently have. Gotta make sure to get all the enemy microbes.

No . . . the joke is on us. The joke has always been on us.

“Mr. Vice President, Mr. Secretary, the missiles are flying. Hallelujah.”

I hate this shit.