
Well, the minute you suggest that, you get 3 dozen gun nuts dunking about how “there is no difference beyond the aesthetic between an ‘assault’ rifle and any other kind of rifle.” This usually derails conversation into a sub-Punisher Armory-style firearms fap session.

You know what does nothing to solve the problem? People that go around intentionally misrepresenting what the problem is in the first place.

Sure, you’re not gonna full one deer full of lead. But when a whole herd of them breaks into your apartment with the intention of causing you and everybody you love bodily harm....

Who gives a fuck if people will be “mad” about restrictions on firearm sales? Their anger is somehow more justifiable that those who are pissed that we as a country go through this shit every week?

this, plus its also basically the propaganda arm of the gun manufacturers, who couldnt give a shit what happens as long as they can sell, sell, sell!

Not nothing. We could cross out those few hundred deaths for the next year and think about who might still be walking around on the earth two years from now who otherwise might be hanging out below it.

Why should people be pissed off that citizens don’t want military weapons carried in public places? The effort to normalize increasingly dangerous weapons means that more of these weapons will be in use by civilians as time goes on, increasing the chances of seeing massacres like Las Vegas. It’s great that the

To say nothing of the fact that radical Islam isn’t even part of the equation when considering the most horrific gun shootings over the last 20 years. Nor were Muslims even the targets but fucked-up, pissed off Americans, young and old, taking their misguided rage on other Americans.

paranoid people who think a new Civil War is coming

Member of law enforcement here. There is no legitimate reason for any civilian to have access to assault weapons. None. Fuck the libertarian bullshit. Full stop.

Once upon a time (the 1960s, for example), the NRA was an organization of hunters, and so your arguments would make sense. Now it really is an organization of paranoid people who think a new Civil War is coming and they think they need military-grade weapons to fight off the Democrats and their UN allies in black

How about for starters we ban assault rifles? Can we at least have that much, wingnuts?

Not true. You don’t have to listen to him at all.

On the plus side, this reminded me that I had forgotten about Bill O’Reilly for a month. It makes me hopeful that one day, we’ll have forgotten all about Alex Jones, Steve Bannon, and (fingers crossed) Peepaw himself

The shooting is a horrifying tragedy.

I’m glad he’s here to say that the victims’ right to attend a concert without being murdered is worth less than gun manufacturers’ profits or gun fetishists’ delusions.

Oh, it’s definitely that. But, somedays like today when the world is already falling apart and things are terrible and now apparently Tom Petty died as well, all you want is a big bowl of gross cheesy carbs and a glass of something strong to tamp down that growing feeling gnawing into the lizard part of your brain

“Better than Olive Garden” is the very definition of damning with faint praise.

I remember a review when the game came out.

Rule #1 of Fight Club: Make sure you fucking understand the movie before you talk about Fight Club.