
“If you choose to live”.....

And now he’s deleted the tweets. You know, Twitter, if you’re going to allow him to continue tweeting because his words are of cultural and historical significance, then you should damn well prevent him from whitewashing that history by deleting unpopular remarks. You should also know that you could well be aiding and

If you’re going to beat Puerto Rico over the head with its debt statistics, calling it a disaster because it’s $70 billion in debt, and not because a record-breaking hurricane just plowed straight through it, you need a little better perspective in your life.

That’s also the irony of the GOP as the party for “Christians”, the GOP is probably the most anti-Christ organization on Earth.

“Charlottesvile? What’s that?”

Things have gotten no worse or better, for you, personally. They’ve gotten a hell of a lot worse for people banned from traveling to the US, refugees, families broken up and relocated by ICE thugs, trans kids at school and adults in the military, and (now) the people of Puerto Rico, just to start. The Supreme Court

Bad PR move, man.

has now been told by the Democrats that you must be nasty to Trump.

Stay classy !

Why should we care what they want? They’re not even a state!

If nothing else, your comments are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay off-base. And incredibly cruel and uninformed.

Nasty, Crooked, Failing, Lying, Great, Tremendous, and Doc

so what else is new?  this happens over & over & over & it’s going to continue to happen for 2 terms b/c he will not leave or be forced out. get outraged all you want but this is an echo chamber.

Another big factor is that Congressional Republicans simply refuse to investigate any of it. If Clinton had won and one of her Cabinet secretaries had resigned due to using tax payer dollars you can bet your ass that Trey Gowdy and the rest of those fucking clowns would be having hearings on it until 2030.

I thought 2017 would be the year I’d stop being surprised by the depths of sub-human scumbaggery Trump manages to wade neck deep in, but here I am

“Nasty!” He used one of the 7 adjectives he knows, everyone take a shot!

Once more, with feeling: fuck this orange shitstain, fuck the GOP for creating an atmosphere where he could win, and fuck the people who voted for him and haven’t apologized to the rest of the country yet.

Natural disasters are the easiest fucking things for politicians to deal with. How the fuck do you fuck up disaster responses like this? And why is it Republican presidents who fuck it up so bad?

Not only is it old news, it’s something you could have missed in between everything else.

The overused refrain is how fast the news cycles are moving under Trump, but goddamn is it true, and sometimes its perspective is surreal: