
You remember the episode of the Simpsons when Manjula gets pregnant? And when they reveal the octuplets Dr Hibbert says that there’s no way that a normal level of fertility drugs could have resulted in eight fetuses. Then Apu reveals he had been dosing her with extra. And Homer had been as well. And Marge. And Lisa.

I keep asking God for people to stop saying “sheeple” and for them to understand that making something plural is different from making it possessive.

Explain how.

he did that as a goof... everyone else just ran with it after

You... You know, Howard’s not here... right?

mary poppins, fool.

I keep wondering: if all (or at least, most) of the countries in this world would pool together a few billion dollars, and offer it to Trump in exchange for resigning, do you think he’d do it? Personally, I think he’d at least consider it.

I keep waiting for Superman to ban him to the phantom zone, but still nothing.

He never existed. We’re alone, our existence is meaningless, and we’ll eventually go extinct. Everything we build will crumble into dust, and that dust will burn away when the sun eats our solar system, and then it will be like we never existed. Like the universe aborted us.

THREAD: Twitter as a platform is such a fundamentally flawed method of communication that even our official announcements have to be (1/9)

Earlier there was a tweet from a guy who posted a picture of his 97 year old WWII vet grandfather kneeling in support of the NFL protests.

Welp, looks like the people who thought social media would be the death of us all really were right. Bummer.

People have bad memories, so Twitter is absolutely performing a public service by routinely reminding us just how childish, ignorant and incompetent the President is.


One email subject line said, “How To Date Natalie Dormer”

The Trump is full of hypocrites. Shocking!

Since when does holding this administration to the bullshit standards that the GOP made up for Clinton actually mean anything is going to get done about it?

I feel like speed running is a natural progression off of the high score battles that happened (and still happen) with arcade games like Pac-man, Donkey Kong, etc.

I’m also a fan of rewatching the VODs to soothe me to sleep. It’s not weird.

I feel like every Games Done Quick event has at least one record broken - the Symphony of the Night one last SGDQ, for instance. Not that it’s something to regularly expect, but it’s fun when it happens. And yeah; it’s really lovely to see this community around gaming be so fundamentally good, with only the occasional