
FF is a band I have always been 100% neutral on. There’s nothing hate-able about them but there’s also nothing about them that really grabs me.

I treat The Foo Fighters like films with Woody Harrelson. They are ubiquitous. I don’t make any special effort to get their stuff but I don’t avoid it either. They are always enjoyable and once in a blue moon surprisingly worthwhile.

The Polyphonic Spree yawns and laughs at your comment.

Kinja must’ve changed more than just the comments section...

are they trying to have some sort of cold war with arcade fire to see which band can have the most members?

As a long-time fan of Dinosaur Comics, I would see Ryan North recommend Achewood on occasion, and I tried, but I just could NOT figure out why anybody liked it. Then one day, on a 12-hour night shift with nothing else to do, I decided to begin at the beginning and read through the archive until I “got it.”

Death Note and Hamilton had annoying fanbases that turned me off originally. Death Note was popular amongst the MCR emo kids and Hamilton attracted a really weird mix of Broadway musical fans and Tumblr hipsters.

You misrepresent the superpredator quote because that lie is all you’ve got left. It is, and you are, pathetic.

If a candidate doesn’t match up with you 100% on everything you believe, you cannot in good conscience vote for them. That’s a lesson I heard a lot in 2016.

Learn how to weigh pros and cons and accept not everyone is perfect you child. You will LITERALLY never have a perfect presidential candidate. Gandhi was a misogynistic racist and MLK a womanizing habitual cheater; grow up.

“she was a universally reviled candidate”

Please dig a little harder into every single minor blemish everyone has ever done. I’m not sure your purity test is QUITE at 100% yet.

What the fuck does that matter? Biden chose not to run, so I don’t know why the OP dragged him into this, saying he was superior to Clinton. Doesn’t matter at all, he didn’t run. I’m not the one who brought Biden into this. And if you want to play the game of divisively comparing Biden and Hillary, enjoy the wank

Seriously, what the fuck was that... even I never went to the damn website. Explain enough of it in plain language to make your stance clear, then put the rest on the website.

Even almost a year after the election, I still don’t get this argument. Do people remember that Clinton won the popular election by 3 MILLION votes? This despite all the dozen or so issues with her campaign and Comey’s October surprise. Trump is only President because of the antiquated holdover from slavery that the

Eh, she’s on a publicity tour for her book. The real test will come in about three years.

And whose fault was that? The Republicans in control of Congress from 2010 and on blocked every bit of legislation that could have brought economic growth that people outside the top 10% could feel. THAT was Clinton’s fault? THAT was Obama’s fault?

She wouldn’t have destroyed our standing with the world, nor would she ducked out of the climate treaty either. Trump is literally “world threatening”.

“And Hillary bored her comfortable winning margin into staying home on election day.”

I was more or less happy to vote for Hillary but she needs to go away for the good of the country. All she is right now is a lightning rod for divisiveness at a time when that’s the last thing we need. She drives Democrats apart right when we need to come together, and she makes Republicans so apoplectic they dig in