
Then get Congress to pass a law, then rescind the unconstitutional order, which was only instituted in the first place because Congress was full of recalcitrant Republican assholes who refused to pass a law.

Exactly. The Presidentiary Branch has zero leeway in interpreting and carrying out the Laws of this Nation.

Or two hurricanes ago.

The man is a fucking saint. If I watched Dolt 45 slowly and systematically dismantle every single thing I accomplished in office - good or bad - just because this petty little man has a raging sour grapes boner, I would fucking go off on social media every single day like a goddamned Vesuvius.

Kinja has proven to be even worse then expected since it moves the comments with the most replies to the top. This creates a page with a vile troll like comment at the top because enough people replied to tell them they were vile. I don’t know what the solution is, maybe just try to reply as much as possible to other

It’s not unconstitutional until the Court says it is, and anyway, the Constitution is a legal document. not a moral imperative. Don’t try to change the topic just because you don’t like what’s being discussed.

“It won’t lower the unemployment rate, or lighten anyone’s taxes, or raise anybody’s wages”

Trump is literally destroying the country, and even the planet, I’m not even sure how you compare to what Hillary would have done.

Guess what all politicians take money from bad sources, and that is horrible reason for voting for Trump. Trump has proven to be a monster in a human-being. I don’t even think Hillary compares when it comes to evil deeds.

I’m for illegal immigration because who gives a shit?

I’ve always thought that it was ironic that people gave Hillary shit for taking money from Goldman Sachs for a speech (much of which she donated to charity) when the current president has 3 Goldman executives in his administration and is basically doing their bidding.

I mean, Twitter could just ban him. They’re a private company. They could have banned him ages ago. They could have banned him when he, as president, singled out individual citizens for disagreeing with him (i.e., that union worker at Carrier), when he started goading North Korea into nuclear war, when he tweeted lies

Fucking cowards. Every single person in this administration is a coward. They get off on lobbing grenades and watching the rest of us deal with the outcome. Fuck Trump. Fuck you, Sessions, you racist shitstain. Fuck everyone working for this administration. Fuck every single person who voted for Trump. Fuck the

No, I think the term just applies to people who didn’t vote Hillary because Bernie wasn’t the nominee, figuring what we have right now is pretty much as bad as a Clinton presidency.


America: We’ve had our time in the spotlight, so why not let a slimy two-bit hustler be the president for a change?

It’s okay. There’s still a way to save DACA which they’ll use a bargaining chip for funding for the border wall...

Can someone pass a law banning a sitting president from using social media? I’m sick of his tweets.

I hate this shit.

If only there were Republicans in Congress with the power to do what they know it’s the right thing. But they won’t, because they are submissive fucking cowards.