
It’s the video for “Right Now” that puts it over the top. Somehow it makes the song better. 

Van Halen, in any form, is the sun bleached soundtrack to trying to figure out why your See-Doo won’t start in a three Bud Light Limearita haze.

“Right Now” is a better song than any individual song released during the David Lee Roth era.

Well if I could think of one way to describe Barack Obama, it’s “the guy who is lazier than Donald Trump”.

I’m amazed that your lot are still capable of inventing new accusations against Obama after more than eight years. So now Obama hated being president? Unbelievable.

I’m tired of people like you and the people who star your posts.

Obama was a great man and a good president. His problem was that he was too nice. But compared to Trump, Obama was FDR and Lincoln combined.

Well, isn’t that special?

I know it’ll never happen, and I even know why, logistically, it’s probably not a good idea, but there’s a part of me that would appreciate the symbolism if the first thing 46 does is tweet a picture of themselves burning Trump’s letter unopened.

I remember thinking Dana Carvey was the funniest guy in the world when I was about 12 years old. Some of his old sketches on SNL are still pretty good, but a lot of it falls flat with me nowadays. Which is a shame, because I really do want to still love the guy.

That said, the Dana Carvey Show is one of those weird

Matt Lauer is not an investigative journalist.

And, importantly, a reasonably attractive talking head. In the Anchorman school of conventional network news, a key function of women is to be easy on the eyes. Us men watching daytime TV can’t [just] jerk off to Judge Judy.

Matt Lauer is a slimy motherfucker.

Please don’t insult pornography by comparing it to Fox News.

I know. It doesn’t seem to be that hard either. Be reasonably presentable. Maintain a shrill, yet even voice for talking over everyone. Adopt a knack for defending the worst of humanity. Maintain this persona even in the face of Armageddon. Rake in the cash.

It’s kind of like trying to transition to Hollywood after a stellar porn career.

She stood out at FOX News because she was what passed for ethical and thoughtful there. Sadly for her, being the most ethical person at FOX News doesn’t actually make someone an ethical person in the rest of the world. Someone who looks thoughtful standing next to Hannity and O’Reilly still has plenty of space to be a

$17 million a year? Boy, you sure can make a lot of money these days by being a reprehensible & moronic shitty talking head.

Sadly Tomi Lahren has already filled that gaping chasm of casual racism for them

They don't seem to get that I can read like ten times faster than they speak