
I must’ve seen that same image macro on Facebook like 20 times.

I see what you did there, my friend.

If you can’t find a pun, you’re the boob.

Because we all can’t wait to relive this past hellish year...


I’m... sorry?

Better homes and gardens

Never tell me something something.

Well *I* know who built C-3PO

Um, nice work if you can get it?

True. I don’t understand her choices in film roles sometimes, but she’s a great actress and great person by all accounts.

I was watching it live. It seemed as if she came out of nowhere, blew everyone away, won gold (partially because other skaters made errors), got to introduce at the Grammys with the Backstreet Boys, then receeded back into nowhere.

Thoes looks like the mid-century dystopia/TRON crossover I never knew I wanted.

The song (at least CCR’s version) makes me want to kill people, so there’s that.

As we should be!

That’s... good?

Cat pictures.


As somebody who’s been to Australia and observed kangaroos, that’s just how they lay.