Ice Cube? But he’s crazy as fuck!
Ice Cube? But he’s crazy as fuck!
I see what you did there.
And that’s a bad thing?
What! Is! It!
Yes, but avocados, man, especially on toast.
You should have asked him the same thing about Obama.
Mitch McConnell?
No no no, *don’t* hate the playa, hate the game.
Also, Spanish.
Oh, it jumped shark years ago. It’s just jumping it again.
Yeah. Those two popped up last night and I completely forget why.
Well it not like CSM was a hero in the first place, you know.
Well it’s not like CSM was a hero in the first place, you know.
Two things.
Two awful tastes that taste awful together!
Something that happened in England centuries ago I think?
No, but it will probably involve Timbaland.
So he’s either 1) pulling a Madonna-circa-”Music”, or 2) jumping into what I hear is the only genre whose fanbase is still buying albums.