
I won’t say a hero—because what’s a hero?—but sometimes there’s a Guy. And, well, he just fits right in there...

AV CLUB: “...no autoplaying videos that you can’t scroll past fast enough...”

I hate this shit.

Are you surprised?

Look where you (and I) are talking...

“this casting is ‘groundbreaking’ in the way it differs from ‘the traditional image of Christ,’”

In that case, I’d love to hear your thoughts about Michael Bay...

So we have officially entered the “Hamilton” extended universe, then?

Die Hard.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend...

I think my brother had to read it for high school/college. In any case, there’s a 90% chance it won’t be missed.

“Okay, I’ll bite”

*Force* Choke a bitch.

I stole my brother’s old copy of “1984" and dog-eared maybe a dozen pages, either out of relevance or good prose.

No, we hate CGI creatures created specifically to sell toys.

Which King Kong?

Not just a jungle cat, a Homicidal Psycho Jungle Cat!

I feel like this article is talking down to us.

They certainly have their fanboys who want exactly that.
