
Was that the episode Dan Aykroyd hosted? Word had it he only appeared on the condition that a Canadian band be the musical guest.

“...something that would have been absolutely mind-blowing when these phones originally hit the market.”

At the time Japan was light-years ahead with their cellphone technology—not to mention cultural penetration.

“Trump’s gonna switch to the gram in retaliation”

The “account of the f’ing president” is @POTUS. @realDonaldTrump is the account of just some shit-talking scumbag.

I’ve never heard of either of them here in Pittsburgh, so guess not?

I would say this is victim-blaming, but... you’re not wrong.

You might say Trebek... Sucked It down.

Us Jews (followers of the “Old Testament”) don’t believe in Alien Jesus as a divine being.

Because that’s the only reason someone would take a social stance, ever.

No, not shrill enough anymore.

I render being able to spot all the jokes from a mile away

Ask him to change his ways then. :)

I’m still hesitant about this remake. They better nor screw it up (but I’m totally expecting them to).

I see Giant Panda Guerilla Dub Squad every year at the Grassroots festival in Ithaca, NY

Nor the “Choppin’ Broccoli” guy.

I forgot about that girl group!

Talk about first-world problems.

If this means seeing less “threads” it’s ok by me.

part 1/42