
Love or hate The Nostalgia Critic (I’m mostly the latter these days..), but I like his take of sit-down-and-talk-about-a-film more.

The fact that I still need to catch up on this show makes me want to Scream.

I’m certainly not clicking on that, but I’m willing to bet it’s not “happy” gay.

And knowing is half the something something.

Just in time for summer!*

Ha ha ha ha!

His famous post-9/11 essay was titled “Fear and Loathing in America,” right

Were talking about “Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail 1972,” right?

Because he never leaves Britain, or never returned to the US after the 60s, I forget which.

But I have nowhere to go!

Creep 2: Creep Harder

It wasn’t even a few seconds, it was well under 1 before they killed the lights.

I’ll admit: I’m still kind of salty about this on the NFL’s part. What happened in 2004 and after was completely unfair, but I’m willing to let the past be the past. So why the *hell* would they pull this move now and welcome him back with open arms?

Super Bowl!

It’s called a Kinja “recommendation.” I think it’s a stupid name too.

Yeah, Jay-Z’s “The Blueprint,” Michael Jackson’s “Invincible” and Nickelback’s “Silver Side Up”.

They’re Actual Size

I’m more interested in how Landis was forced to shoot Michael’s 10-minute-or-so outro to the “Black or White” video (you know the one where he smashes things, grabs his crotch and morphs into a panther?).

Also: Marky Mark, as it wasn’t mentioned.