
Woke Men (and Women) Yell at Cloud

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In related news, I would just like to take a moment to share the greatest thing I saw last week:

911 is a joke?

I can be two things.

This just in: Millennials are Killing the “Dabbing” Industry.

“The CNNs, MSNBCs, Comedy Centrals of the world will just keep reinforcing to his base that Trump is on the side of the forgotten white man”

... And whatever the hell John Oliver talks about this week.

It’s my understanding that the cliffhanger at the very end of last season was a teaser for this season’s big bad, which has yet to be revealed (no spoilers here).

Do they even need a “why” at this point?

“First, it makes no sense that Earth-38 would be building a Trump-esque wall along the Mexican border”

I’m sorry but I just couldn’t bring myself to care about the White Marsian/Red Marsian politics that took up half the episode.

“It holds up”

This is -> Sparta?

...and him returning to comedy after decades of serious movies.

In the Library, with the Revolver.

It’s one of those shows where if I’m home I’ll watch it, but if not no big deal.

Don’t. It was shit.

Best one is in Duke Nukem 3D.

“To those who still obstinately refuse to see it..”