

The headline is misleading. It should be “The Weather Channel *website*”

True, The FFVI story begins and ends with Terra, but the two most dramatic moments belong to Celes.

“Shit yes?”

Show of hands: who here is *not* reading this on a smartphone or tablet?

What’s the deeeeeal with art?

I understood that reference!

“It’s hard to trust anyone who’s so sure about something so fundamentally unknowable, either way.”

I’m a Jew and this “existing again” stuff is news to me.

“Hey, it’s ZZ Top!

Now playing

Wait, so you’re saying they used “Popcorn” in a horror film, and its not this?


Same. Including the scat parts.

Hunchback is easily the most uneven Disney film I’ve seen.

I’ll admit I love Hans Zimmer’s score for “The Lion King” more than Elton John/Tim Rice’s songs.

And you know what the people did? They *laughed* at her! Said that look-at-the-other-guy isn’t a good campaign strategy. Even when it’s fucking TRUE!


He’s a screenwriter. He’s used to writing in single lines.

What about Man or Astroman? (yes, the question mark is part of the name for some reason) as the band?