
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Benoist has proven she can handle *anything* this silly show throws at her.

I might as well say it here: the Alex/Winn scene was too similar to their “using only my *finger*” scene from last season.

“Elevator go ahp!”

An “ElectroMagnetic Vehicle to Travel instantaneously through Space, Air and Water by engineering the fabric of Space-TOIME.”

Am I the only one who (vaguely) remembers the other “modern” Hamlet movie with Ethan Hawke?

It’s like he’s done this for a living or something...

Yeah, I hate this shit.


Holy shit, I agree with Fox News on something!

Electric Six is pleased with this decision.

It sure as hell ain’t Aquarius.

“Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas, kiss my ass, kiss his ass, kiss your ass.”

Caption: This asshole, amiright?


Will if have animated boobage?

The Hollywood wank to end all Hollywood wanks.

The public is doing that job for him just fine.

Or the Dead Kennedys’

I would say “Yaketty Sax” but one Benny Hill already used it.