
- The Kinja-fied AV Club

Tell better jokes.

It can be two things.

And if they’re Gal Godot? Let her speak Hebrew to her home audience!

Just dial 362436-woo!

Instead of a ridiculous, *dangerous-to-ignore* buffoon.

Fucking Ben Affleck, amiright?

The only time posting the VanDerBeek crying GIF would *not* be appropriate.

Either that our his career implosion in the mid-2000s made everyone forge.

12 hours?


Mieeeeeght as well face it, he’s addicted to spuds

The few, the proud, the geeky! [chuckles]

And nothing of value was lost that day

No, that was 2016.

In 3 years...

This isn’t the comic multiverse!

I’m not, and I don’t.

I’m not sure where the parody ends and sincerity begins.