
Gosling: Hey gurl...

How does a boxer challenge somebody to a dual? Is that like a boxing-glove punch but without the hand in it?

Too soon.

Aw, I was expecting...

The thing is though it’s *not* just the kids.

Now playing

And if you’re *still* still feeling nostalgic you should watch this tribute to the home-recorded commercials of the era :

Hell, I bet the neighborhood Italian place in bumfuck Wyoming is better than Olive Garden

Well I’m not watching. Fuck this “pivot to video.”

DRM? Ha. You’re talking about the console that’s been hacked 5 ways from Sunday!

We don’t even know what their Virtual Console will look like on Switch yet! Rumor has it it may be a subscription-based system...

They’re both New Yorkers who love a good slice of pizza and love to say...

...thigh both of them losing composure during the epilogue did, so much so that Bryant’s stupid bonnet came off.


Because I already have an SNES and all the games I want for it (and an S-video hookup that provides good enough resolution for me), thanks.

So, Florida Men and Florida Women then.

Do people still play the game & its variants? I haven’t heard from it in a long time.

Too bad the McDonald’s & Wendy’s drive-thrus near me are always backed up after dark.

No, if you were Ritchie Rich, you’d have a McDonald’s *in your mansion*

I... see what you did there?