
What about *Word* crimes?

Atamanuik has the “needy, whining campness” on”The President Show”

I was 10 when it came out, but I never gave a damn about this film and don’t understand the hype.

So we *shouldn’t* keep fucking that chicken then?

There was a kid in “Aliens” too.


That list is bullshit.

I *still* can’t figure out which Spice Girl I want to impregnate.

No, but I have Lonely Island & Nikki Minaj on the line.

OK, now I’m confused as I’ve never heard of either of them.

I’m torn between my love for Dave Chapelle and my hatred for “Creep” covers.

“There ain’t a Space Program for n****s”

People forget that Stewart was “pretty unimpressive most of the time” too. Not every night was a winner.

Keep up the good fight

But George Michael taught me otherwise!

I’m tweaking... into a whole new era

This is fine. Everything is fine.

“because it’s a real thing and it’s more prevalent now than I have ever seen in my lifetime.”