
Yes, but how are his abs?

...and the guy who wrote the Windows 95 startup sound (Brian Eno) composed it on a Mac.

Played from his bedroom stereo on a loop?

I can’t see Mystikal period without imagining him shouting all the time, Jacob Silj style.

Why did I even bother to read the comments?

[DMX crashes into the courtroom, barking]

I thought Destiny’s Child was first? ( or at least the first to be played on the radio in my white suburb...)

Players only love you when they’re playing.

Mars ain’t the kind of place to raise a kid.

I like the cut of his jib.

This comment just makes me miss Fluttershy on this new AV Club...


There are people who haven’t seen Star Wars.

I reckon.

Phishheads, Phishheads

RIP Shel Silverstein...

Stevie Wonder’s 70s discography (specifically “Talking Book” through “Songs in the Key of Life”)

I used to years ago, but I got tired of the same take-down sctick over and over.

You see sharp, I see preaching to the choir. I admit it’s a fine line.

Dude, Alec Baldwin is *right there!*