
Ah, ah, ah, ah!

As someone who doesn’t watch it read “Game of Thrones” but does post on the AV Club, my point of comparison would be Bart’s Thanksgiving dream sequence, right?


Is “I appreciate Carly Rae Jespen on a much deeper level than you” the new “I appreciate The Muppets on a much deeper level than you?”

I’m still loyal to the Daily Show under Trevor Noah. It doesn’t have as much preaching to the choir.

The last 5 minutes are a joke, but I thought her performance before that was fine.

That’s... not much better.


Yeah, right. #FEMINISISM is not continually letting your reforming-fratboy boyfriend have more character development & screentime than you. And continually forgiving him no matter how many times he screws up.

It would be much simpler to say “Hispanic people”

Strange things are afoot after all.

So... the writers have directly contradicted themselves yet again. Season 2 was largely about how Kara Zor-El needs that “Danvers” human side in order to stay grounded.

“but star Jim Carrey rejected him because he was just a nobody at the time.”

If Apollo 440 has taught me anything, it’s that you can’t stop. The Rock.

“Seems like Franco has really nailed Wiseau.”

In my mind there’s still something wrong about Star Wars releasing in December.

Look, I get that snark is basically the currency around here, but I’m done getting worked up about Apple announcements, love them or hate them.


Didn’t he release a video shortly after telling viewers/critics to “eat my cornhole”?

Smash Mouth was already old news by the time 9/11/01 came.