

It can be two--even three—things

Unless they’re John Oliver.

“They can’t just print “The president did something today, but it’s inconsistent with a bunch of other stuff he’s done, and we’re pretty sure not even he knows why” every day for the next four years, even though that’s arguably the real story here”

His mom thinks he’s cool.

While some men want to watch the world burn.

Nothing really matters

I don’t watch this show and won’t watch this video, but it’s always been conspicuous to me that for how edited reality shows are, in America they never ever acknowledge it.

i don’t know if Disney owns the “Fraggle Rock” license as part of their Muppet deal, but I’d rather see JGL attached to that project again.

I’ve become Abe Simpson walking in, hanging his hat on the coatrack, picking it back up & walking out.


I would!

This failed screenwriter _fucks!_

Dare I say: it can be two things?

“In the video above, we take Andrew to the Chicagoland-based Stern Pinball, the “oldest and largest designer and manufacturer of arcade-quality pinball games on the planet,””


“Twilight Zone” (the one Pat Lawlor designed after The Addams Family) & “Creature from the Black Lagoon”

Now playing

Or the parody of “Like a Rolling Stone” about the show:

Or “Don’t Think Twice, It’s Alright”

DAMN YOU, 2016!