
I thought she was up north of them, in Canada.

Ravenholm scared the shit out of me. No thanks.

I just saw it last night. Dope as sh*t indeed.

We could all use a little chaaaaaaaaange


Final Fantasy VI


*See what I mean?!*

And no locations in Pennsylvania.

Username/comment synergy?

You can learn a lot from a dummy.

I prefer “Meaning of Life” in that respect.

OK, now all that “People’s Judea Front” nonsense makes more sense.

Would you say you’re hooked on “Cut to the Feeling?”

- The Kinja-fied AV Club

Is it bad that I’m most peeved by the incorrect assertion that the sun is the center of our galaxy?

[Green message appears on screen]

“The kids these days do it all wrong. They use way too many bags. How many times have you gone to the store for a few items and come home with 30 bags?”

Screw the front page. Try the new RSS feed.

...And then the murders began.