
Like a lot of sites.


I thought we weren’t supposed to talk about it.

Yeah, I don’t like that podcast either.

I dunno, the Dark Knight trilogy was a complete story arc for that Batman, from origin story to epilogue. I don’t think it could have worked.

I still don’t know why this cinematic universe is called “extended.” I think “extended universe” and I think the “expanded universe” of non-cinematic stories told in the Star Wars or other maddenly-complicated worlds.

Maybe inside...

Thanks for making me feel at home…

I don’t know, [I]can[/i] you?

What could possibly go wrong?

So I enjoyed this game, and played it for several hours, but I couldn’t bring myself to finish it. I’m not sure why.

🎵You’ll never stop the AV Club!

It’s almost like a... Shaq Attack

Username checks out.

Hi, Dikachu!

Oh hai!

Oh hai!

Oh hai!


[shatters mirror, revealing…]