
What a bunch of clowns!

Kids were doing this in Dino Park Tycoon 10 years before that!

Something something biz-ay.

Forget Roller Coastet Tycoon, who are the creators of Dino Park Tycoon? That's who should really be involved!

"Staring at the Sun" by U2

Nor moms who post Minion memes.

Growing up in the mid-90s I actually heard this version first.

And you said Katamari but I don't see the Prince of All Cosmos (maybe he's busy now)

Or punch a hole in a piece of cardboard and look at the light that shines through on another piece of cardboard.

Some things never change…

Oh, he's The "19" guy?

He (and by extension, the moon) overshot by about 20 years.

Look, I get it, but just imagine context.
Things weren't exactly great in 1979 either. You had the Cold War, the Iranian revolution had just happened…
Full disclosure: I wasn't alive then, but it does seem about as scary as now on a surface level.

I wish I could understand a word he was saying in that song…

Why do you hate Kendrick Lamar so much?

I don't see any flying cars!
Why? Why? Why?

But why would you want to? There's so much stuff to play with in Casino Night!

[Camilla and the other chickens fly out of the coop and wreck havoc]

Hey wait, I though you were taking Gordon's car!