
[Sweetums runs outside with his suitcase, just missing the bus]

Are you saying you have no…

We already have the 3rd.

Sure he does. The time limit is 10 minutes per level, that's even more generous than Mario.

I feel Sonic is the same way. Sega's marketing made it seem like it was all about speed, but it's really not.

See, that's what I don't understand about these criticisms. I feel the original Genesis trilogy (ok, technically 3.5 counting Sonic & Knuckles) had the perfect blend of speed and regular platforming. It wasn't like in the 3D games, where you can't see what's coming and you are punished for it.
Then again, it was

And he eventually did get a human girlfriend in Sonic '06, and we all know how well that went…

[tries for the jump and falls into a pit]

Forget that, he can fuck himself.
…so I'm told.

Government is the operating system, businesses are the software.

It won't.

That's nice.
Now tell Fox News to quit stirring the pot.

Cue the Oompa Loompas, as they say.

I just came from there

It's acceptable if you use a slingshot to hurl it at the white supremacists.

That was Jon Stewart's defense too, but at least it's obvious he (and his team) did their homework.

Like I said above, she (and Amy Pohler) vocally defended Hillary durung both of her campaigns, but that's as political as she's gotten.

I read a thing on FB today about having counter-protests in different locations from Nazi protests to draw attention away from them.
I'm not sure how I feel about that…

Hell, she (and Amy Poehler) vocally defended Hillary during both of her campaigns.
…And I liked that they did.