
Exhibit A to why Twitter posts should never be news.

His character sometimes drank on The Colbert Report too.

A decent musical set during the Cold War and written by the ABBA guys, but that's not important right now.

I thought Apple Music came with iTunes Match ( which is the thing that lets you upload your own songs to the cloud).
Though I could be wrong.

This being the AV Club, I believe the phrase you were looking for is "I don't even own an iPhone!"

Though I use Apple products, I admit they're becoming harder and harder to defend these days…

Look, I've never been forced by law-enforcement to unlock my phone, but I know some less fortunate people have been (minorities especially). And like the article states, passwords are protected under the 5th Amendment but fingerprint-unlocking is not.
So maybe "game changer" is a bit hyperbolic, but I can imagine

I feel loooooooove.

Hey, he thinks they're "beautiful"…

[prepares to tell you to get off of my lawn…]

Please stop using shortened abominations of names, EMG.

She's cute and all, but I still don't get her appeal.

To be fair, this is probably the generation after millennials.

No birthday, no birthday. You're the birthday!

Bring on the Tupac holograms!

No, I remember when they first came out with "Harder to Breathe" and "This Love" and I thought of them as a boy band that happened to play instruments.
There was never anything funky or blues-y about them.

You mean it wasn't garbage in the first place?

Originally by Patty Smith/Bruce Springsteen, but yes.

Lucky you. I don't have cable anymore.