
I thought he outlawed them forever!

"I wish I knew how to quit you"

No Russia?
But that's the land where television watches you!

I too have played (the Japanese) Final Fantasy III

He fucks the working class and poor every day.

The majority of image macros have been and always will be dumb (though a few are well written)

I think it sounds like a drug company name

The link I saw was Fox News, so I didn't click on it. But I also didn't see it reported anywhere else…
What was it?

Not to mention Ritchie Rich!

Actually, I find this commentariat one of the best on the Internet.
It will be sad to see it go…

That's what I thought too. Until this past weekend…

Well they always flow into each other, so I wouldn't recommend it.


Couldn't stand "I Don't Wanna Miss a Thing" then or now.
Maybe because it sounds nothing like typical Aerosmith and is full of cliches.

That's a love song?

I… would be okay with that.

It became schlocky with how much it was overplayed.

Great and schlock.
It can be two things.

Butting into this monologue with nothing to add.

Sarcasm is hard to read on the Internet.