
Haha, girlfriends…

At 26

I didn't hear that until 98, but I always thought of them and Harvey Danger as the last bands through the "alternative" door before it all came crashing down.

It's literally a song about nostalgia, so there's that.

It would have been if that weren't a million other breezy songs like it

Not the part about his mother dying (Lord mercy)…

Ahem, four-post bed.

Now that was a funny meme.

Same age, but '97 is when i got internet. It was a game changer.

I'm a bit older than you, but I also turned to classic rock when nu-metal started taking over.

Mouth Silence and Mouth Moods are better.

Yeah, when it came out I didn't like it, but it didn't bother me either.
Now, though…

God, the musical-hipsterdom is thick on this one. I'm not going to necessarily defend any of the breezy pop they talk about, but Jesus, lighten up.

If you don't have Nathan Rabin then your site could use some…. dabbling?

Can I guess… Frank Stalone?

"$23 at CVS and you can call yourself a pimp” isn't something one should say on a first date.

More like Edgar's AutoCrossbow

Not before giving 1000 Needles?

No, he's still on first.