Quarrelin' Hardy

Otogi also had a pretty extensive environmental damage system at the time, and I would love to see that get expanded upon significantly with a new title.

Fun Fact - in Yakuza 6, you can play the entirety of Virtual Fighter 5 Final Showdown, complete with a full online-mode. Sadly, that's not leaving Japan until 2018 at least.

Ever see the Sega CD version of Eternal Champions? The finishing moves are seriously gruesome!

A kindred spirit!

Streets of Rage needs a comeback, especially since Castle Crashers success years ago has made it OK for arcade-style beat-em-ups to get made again here and there. Get Yuzo Koshiro back to do the music and we're golden.

I would really love a traditional Phantasy Star RPG. I don't dislike what I've played of the Phantasy Star Online games, but it's just not the same!

I love me some Seaman. Don't judge!

Comix Zone is almost a great game, but it has so many bad little choices that hold it back. In particular, you don't really notice it right away, but punching objects in the game drains your health. This really sucks when you have one life, no continues, and end up in a room where you need to punch boxes to get out.

The creator of Eternal Champions is trying to get a new sequel off the ground. The working title is "Eternal Successors" and he has some temporary assets out there that he's gauging interest on. Maybe Sega will give it a shot?

A new Toejam and Earl is coming out this year from Adult Swim Games. It's modelled after the original and looks great!

He probably is now!

Where do we sign up?

It will always be #1 in my heart.

Yeah, they lost a lot of time right away due to his unfortunate injury and didn't really get to build him up enough to the wider audience because of it. Bringing him back and having him lose to Roman Reigns isn't going to help.

Someone seriously needs to steal this whole idea. I think it would be a ton of fun with the right talent involved.

I fully expect Heyman to be the only one that actually makes the name not sound completely stupid in a promo.

I always imagined that's what he kind of smells like too.

Honestly, I think that's mostly because he was out of action so quickly after his main roster debut, and they haven't done much since his return to build the momentum back up. People seemed pretty into his stuff prior to the injury.

There's nothing I hate more than a match continuing through a commercial break on a live show. I'm definitely excited for this change, too.

It always struck me as a desperate attempt to recapture the magic of Booker T and Goldust.