
I don't follow. The coach's salary comes out of the athletics budget. All of which - at least in these high profile situations - is covered by revenues athletics earns on it's own or gets as specific donations. Where is the state money in that equation?

I wouldn't write something if I didn't think it was right. Who would do that? I am more confident of some ideas than others, but I am very confident that college coaches are not "public employees" in any reasonable sense of the term and likewise certain that this map in now way accurately portrays our "priorities" for

I can't speak for "culturalists" - or even provide a good definition of what that is - but this has not been my experience.

That doesn't address any points I made.
How the NCAA or the teams treat the athletes is a whole other issue. I've said many times that I hope they form a union. If that brings down the whole college sports enterprise as we know it, then so be it.

No, the pompous asses are people who use this kind of thing to look down on the masses of Americans who like sports or who don't share the same narrow, elitist, 19th century idea of what a University ought to be.

You don't know me at all or what I'm like. I'm not trying to "show off." I'm just trying to bring some more

If telling the truth makes me an obnoxious cunt, then fine. Better that than proudly and stridently ignorant.

I'm not the one who posts misleading information on the internet and just says "SEE, AMERICA IS SOOOOO STUPID!!!" I'm just trying to bring some in some actual information. Now who is the pompous ass?

Oh, and fuck off.

But isn't any job like this, essentially a design contest? A company puts out an RFP or whatever it's called, designers submit some ideas, and the one they like gets picked for the contract.

I hate this shit.

Sportwriters can be some of the laziest assholes in all of journalism. I know of no other field where the subjects offer such easy access - weekly press conferences, required post-game access, etc. But whenever an athlete or coach decides they don't want to talk to the press at that point, we get

Perhaps they could be labeled A/B or Red/Blue and then marked the same on the port.

There's no evidence of PEDs but lots of evidence that he changed his approach. I think we can do more than speculate on which factor was most important.

It could say UP!

Right. Like soccer. The only one who calls fouls on tackles is the main referee, right?

No, that's super racist too.

The people active on this issue don't like Chiefs, Braves, or Indians, but Redskins is the worst and it's in DC, the hub of a lot of media, so they're focusing on them right now.

Objections to Indian mascots definitely predates the internet.

The trend is for singular abstract names. How about Washington Graft?

Rugby has a lot of injuries and rugby doesn't have blocking or forward passes, which is where a lot of the collisions happen.