
At least this one comes from a Japanese developer rather than an American one (like Insect Armageddon did). And remember that EDF 5 is still coming, so we’re not losing anything with the release of this and the Wing Diver spinoff.

What a useless comment. I also recognize the irony of posting a useless unhelpful comment to yours. I still feel better doing it though and if anybody asks why I did it I will tell them you started it.


Well, thanks for swinging by and giving everyone your hot take, you absolute prick. It’s a good thing you enjoy working on cars, if your post is any indication it gives you something to do all by yourself in a garage.

Lol haha that was all you buddy I still did all those things and played games

I get what you’re saying to a certain point. I own a Mazdaspeed3 and a 65 Mustang. I wrench on those cars and drive them. I wouldn’t trade those experiences for anything. However, I also love Forza. Just today I was able to show my 2 year old son different cars and let him experience different cars. All from the

damn dude, why did you even bother commenting and voicing your opinion on something you don’t care about.

Not everyone has a car or a track nearby? I track 12+ times a year and still spend my evenings gaming with friends.

But I don’t get the point of a simulator when you have the real thing parked outside.

I don’t get citations for driving 100+ in Forza. Nor do I have to pay for damage from racing other cars. Also, premium is expensive, yo. lol

Suprised me. I get hyped over story modes in weird game genres and didn’t want to see something I could play with complety unbalanced microtransactions and bad UI when it comes to that


I tried 2k15. When I made a customer character, spent my VC, decided I wanted to try again with a new character and realized I would be worse off because I didn’t have the VC like I did for the first character. Sold the game and swore it off.

Fuck this noise. I didn’t realize WB had begun publishing NBA games.

It’s not old school, big boobs, short shorts, John Lennon Sunglasses Lara Croft, but it’s pretty bang on with the new version of her that I think anyone who has been playing it would feel pretty sure that was Lara Croft. It’s almost slavishly close to the new version.

Thank you for your POV. Alicia Vikander has a naturally long neck, yes, and it’s important to note this post isn’t commenting on her figure or form in any way. I’m speaking to how unnaturally her neck is shaped, thanks to Photoshop. There’s a bend right under her skull that doesn’t happen in humans, designed to keep

Her neck, her boob in the wrong place. . . It’s like looking at a Rob Liefeld drawing.

“I once tracked down the author of this guide, Dan Birlew, and asked him how all this happened. He wouldn’t say. (“I do not comment on books/games that old. Please direct your queries to BradyGames.”