

What you see:

It’s a hidden message informing them to “BE DOOP”.


I can’t help but feel this sound effect ruins the tension somewhat :/

They’re joking that they’re going to go to inflate them because they’re fed up with Brady bitching at them for not deflating them enough. It’s pretty clear.

Proof of what though? Deflating? Inflating? It sounds like one of the guys would overinflate the balls to piss off Brady, which is hilarious. “Fuckin watermelons coming”

How the hell are those text messages not proof?

Remind me again why we should go completely digital with our games?


It’s the eyes. Or to be exact, it’s more because of the uncanny valley thing. The original one was airbrushed art from photo reference, the new one is full on CGI.

I knew all about these teen tricks because I USED TO BE A TEEN.

Meh I’m in no hurry, I’ll wait for a GOTY edition.

Never buy a season pass, especially this one since it’s $40. It promotes a terrible marketing practice that needs to go away. Same thing goes with pre ordering, you’re giving people money for something that hasn’t even been show yet. I’ve been there, the last game I’ve pre ordered was Assassin’s Creed Unity and we all

but where is Daytona ?

NFU2 deserves a mention for the HUGE amount of aftermarket parts and semi-realistic tuning (I mean, did anyone really know how to mess with that ECU?) but the over-the-top bling of spinners and ICE combined with WAY too much advertising and lingo probably kept it out of the top 10.

Orc 2: My boys have been taking bets on me killing you!

I had zero hype or anticipation for this. Watched barely anything, and was very much expecting it to be some totally run of the mill, 12 hour action game. But man... this sounds like it needs to be played.

I just went from having zero interest in this game to wanting to play it. Well done.