
My mom was on a pit crew at her local speedway when she was growing up; as such, her family got her a good deal of Dale Earnhardt Sr. stuff, and when I was born, they decided to keep that going by giving me all the Dale Jr. stuff they could find in turn so we’d match. I had a Daytona-themed playmat, my parents had

Well, I can’t argue about Daytona USA 2001 being here,

I absolutely loved The Phantom Pain, but Ground Zeroes is the only one of the two that I actually regularly still come back to. That tighter, self-contained design means you can jump right in instead of having to finagle countless variables to prep for any given mission.

This hasn’t quite been the season to do it so far, but now it very well might be. (And even if the Cup Series doesn’t entertain, the Trucks and ARCA have been pretty delightfully chaotic.)

It feels like they’ve been REALLY pushing the Wisps as a focus, yeah. Even having liked Colors, it feels... odd.

The way the gaming community at large gets rather unnecessarily viciously aggro during the sports games announcements always baffles me. Like, yeah, I get if it’s not your bag, but I don’t go shouting “WHO CARES” during RPG announcements because I don’t personally play the genre.

The Intimidator is always a good look.

The always-online ‘persistent world’ really worries me. I just get the vibe I’ll be rammed by griefers constantly.

Vice-versa to me. I feel like JC2 hurriedly stumbled through the plot to shove me out the door into the open world and let me do whatever, whereas JC3 wouldn’t stop forcing me into story missions or side missions or mini-missions or just about anything besides letting me actually play in the all-too-sparse open world.

Huh. This surprises me to see now of all times, just after most of my WWE-watching friends quit following that entirely as of their also-first-in-a-ten-year-contract Saudi Arabian event.

Sounds to me with the mention of the cloud services there that services this game relied upon from other companies were changing/removing their services due to GDPR regulations, and their budget didn’t allow for reworking the game to use other services from other companies with other contracts.

As someone who enjoyed the first game, my main reason for not picking up the sequel was the complete tonal shift. I was excited by the thought of a new protagonist and a campier tone more like Bad Blood, but it felt as more was revealed about the game like it didn’t actually have much in common with the original

Yeah, uh... it came off a lot more for me like Keselowski and Waltrip were legitimately afraid and only Gordon and the production crew knew it was supposed to happen. I knew about Sandstorm and it slipped my mind when it was happening live, so this was kinda just deeply uncomfortable (and explaining the joke way later

The activation of boost, DRS, Push-to-Pass, or anything like that should always be initially pre-empted by “YOU GOT BOOST POWER!”

Yeahhhhh, more gimmicks is not the way to go. Formula E greatly intrigues me but the FanBoost and stuff is what puts me off (as part of the 20-something demographic, though, am I still the youth market?).

The words themselves are a bit jumbled, but tldr; it makes building the peripherals part of the experience, just like Lego. Proof-reading is underrated, though.

The diecast collector in me is causing me to say, for the first time in my life, “please tell me this cartoon is an excuse for a toy line”.

Among motorsports, I think IndyCar and Formula E are the biggest prominent ones to share their license to whatever games ask. NASCAR’s willing to appear in a small part for other games if you give ‘em a ton of money but only give their main full-game license to one company at a time.

All I know is I still remember and laugh at John Goodman saying “more like a NON-ja” in complete deadpan.

It’s absolutely a LoL/DotA, Guitar Hero/Rock Band, Marvel/DC situation of “this town is barely big enough for two of us”.