
I just kind of find it sad that they’ve made this the hill to die on. Adds nothing. If your race can’t survive without eye candy standing on the sideline, you don’t have a good race.

Y’know, if Forza is any indication, I 100% want to see this.

The NASCAR broadcasts already have clueless meandering commentary and cut to commercial during everything of importance, so this is just approaching an even(ly terrible) field, really.

Hitting a ball. Free period at gym class, one kid wound up the pitch, the other smacked it away with their iPad. Repeatedly.

My love of the WRC is for much the same reason as my love of NASCAR: ostensibly simple premise, things regularly going completely off the rails anyways.

Reminds me of when my high school gave iPads to Sophomore students (I was a Senior at the time). Nothing but endless sessions of Happy Wheels. One kid in gym class used it as a baseball bat. I dunno what they expected.

Knowing him only from Girls before Star Wars, I genuinely cackled in the theater the moment he unmasked and couldn’t stop laughing every time he appeared since. Episode VIII, I think he did a good bit stronger, but his performance in Logan Lucky is probably my favorite. Given characters with more levity, I think he

I’m genuinely surprised F1 is willing to put up with Ferrari pulling this on a regular basis. Like others have noted, if you can’t win in a series where you get untold power to change whatever, I’d friggin’ love to see how badly you tank when you take your ball and go home. I’m not denying they’re a prestigious team

I loved the main menu of Horizon, but Horizon 3 opening with that joyous “Take me away~” is too, too perfect for an escape into virtual tourism.

You had me at “you could get it in purple”.

When it comes to the core games I know and love, I can just hop in and pick up where I left off. When it comes to starting a new one, it means starting from square one again with no progress and usually a lot of grinding to get even close to where I’m at in everything else. I’m always up for more content, but I’m

I’d gladly accept that just because I live in New England and live with proud Broncos and Giants fans and would like to be able to go grocery shopping, go for a walk, or, indeed, do anything without being accosted and harassed

This whole thing’s giving me flashbacks to ungrabbable, unhittable, OP Yoda in Soul Calibur and I never want to experience that again. And that had the awesome factor of being frickin’ Yoda!

The references are definitely a bit overkill for a series that, in manga form, really didn’t rely on them like this; I’m hoping this subsides after the first episode.

I read this purely to see if you actually could summarize Pop Team Epic in a sentence, and count me impressed that I can’t say you’re wrong there.

Oh, whoops, didn’t notice this when it wasn’t on Black Flag. As always, thanks for continuing these!

Wow, for once, F1 is actually looking at making a decision I’d like! Surprising.

I absolutely loved carving through New Order on Bring It On! difficulty, but found myself gradually cranking it down throughout New Colossus and just having more fun on the lowest difficulty where I could mostly skip the gunplay and just axe-murder bad guys en masse. I enjoy a challenge, but New Colossus’ challenge

“But if we change the sandbox to the point where it becomes [one where I don’t win by default], I don’t want to play any more.”

(Granted, I don’t really watch F1 because I feel the over-engineering makes the field too spread out and impossible to pass, and I’d absolutely want an equivalent to global NASCAR, so my

Yeah, when I saw the headline, I just thought “wait, didn’t that mission in the first game already confirm it?”