
The thing is... DayZ is fun as shit. I pull 3 hour stints at a time on it. 2-3 days a week

Doctor Eggman accepts your challenge.

My guess is users. They want the Minecraft users, so they can sell more content to them directly, and have them as part as the Microsoft user infrastructure.

Mojang without Notch is just not Mojang any more. I'm all for Microsoft to strike a deal with Mojang but it should be a partnership rather than a full takeover.

Really? They don't want to buy a game based on one dumb commercial?

You dont think the line "BLACK PEOPLE SCARE AWAY THE WHITES" isnt offensive at all?

"As a bitch" you should probably know I wasnt looking for credibility , just framing my opinion...

As a black person, I dont speak for all black people, we are not monolithic, But reading this email, I dont think its racist, its just a business man trying to figure out why his shit is fucked up. Hes speaking frankly, and probably factually on alot of his points, Hes basically saying mix this shit up, black and

I hope activision strikes back with revoking their CoD DLC exclusivity.

I dunno. It's dumb when gamers and fans devote themselves to corporations, but I think it's fun when these companies take shots at one another. Remember Sony's E3 2013 presser? "This is how you give a PS4 game to your friend." SO GOOD.

Black Kettles all round after the Tomb Raider fiasco...

Well it looks like an advert to me. Are they allowed or not? If not then it is risking future relationships with Activision to do things like this.

This would have been clever if Microsoft didn't have any timed-exclusives...

The hypocrisy is astounding, seeing as they've been doing it with Call of Duty since 2008...

Well, at least something about this game is entertaining to me.

In a perfect world (not that I'm expecting this at all, it'd just be nice), if you have the PC version, you could just log in on the 360/xbone version, and not have to pay for it again.

It's okay to be a gamer.

I wish a letter was enough to stop it. But it's probably too late for our generation. Maybe if empathy training became a requirement in schools starting in kindergarten and going all the way through high school we might see an end to bullies. But that's just one aspect. We also have fanboys who think that because they