
Surprised at the amount of detail on figures like Peach, Link and Fox. Wasn't expecting them to be so, well, good. I once paid a similar price for some Nintendo figures from the NYC store and they were about the same, only they didn't also double as in-game perks/items/whatever.

Kotaku Gimp Contest just doesn't sound right.

I love how 7 years later Ninja Theory is still being introduced as "heavenly sword developer"

People can complain all about price and polish all they want. I on the other hand will have a gunfight between Stitch, Rocket Raccoon, Buzz Lightyear and Star-Lord while giggling like the Joker being tickled.

There really aren't many games about the Emergency services aside from the Police, and even with games involving them outside of the older Police Quest and SWAT series they aren't very realistically portrayed so I'm looking forward to this one. Even if its not very realistic, having a game about Wildland firefighting

I thought Solitaire was always played in first person.

I think it's important to let people speak their mind, man. Taking away people's words doesn't make anyone feel better.

You aren't missing anything. I keep getting the feeling that the people involved on either side of whatever this argument is think that this is some grand debate they're having, when it's really just a giant shouting match where no one is really listening to each other, taking place in a bubble - a tiny,

I invite you to visit a sports blog or message board.

Having worked with SWAT before, I could see this going very badly. I could see people getting killed. This is one of the most dumb ass things I've seen.

"If the investigation determines that today's incident was a hoax, those involved will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law."

Man, if i had to cal the cops every time i walked into someone's living room to find a white board containing balistic missile trajectories...

Seem? Certain people? I got news for you. Saying, "maybe women should form their own studio and make their pink games for girls" doesn't seem sexist to certain people. It is sexist as an objective fact. You imply that women should be segregated into their own studio because they and what they want are not "main

Sarkeesian makes pretty good points. Writers and directors should do better than what they've been doing. However, I'm reluctant to say that violence against any single group of people should be removed from creative work since that has the potential to shut down a vein of narrative. I mean sure, "imagine better

...because life is miserable and unfair.

"beginning halfway through on episode one, start complaining that this is the part where show is starting to fall apart."

Just to be clear: this is an existing enemy model from a previous expansion. I assume you know this, Patricia, but I just want to point that out for others.