But I don’t want to play it, learn most of the story, most of the levels, most of the stuff, and then whenever it actually comes out play it again and try to recall what’s new and what isn’t. There are plenty of games to play in the meantime. (Including the phenomenal first one, which I only just got around to playing…
And after that people who play sound at 11, sitting at the corner and waiting on a green light - with the windows down. We do not care. We do not care how cool you are. In fact, we now hate your music. But, mostly, we do not care.
did her research show this? The article doesn’t indicate that at all.
I love how the second someone releases research that people don’t like, everyone’s instantly an expert on scientific rigor.
Why not both?
Are you upset every time a multi-billion dollar corporation is asked to do due diligence, or just this time? Heaven forbid the super serious world of 2nd rate fps tourneys be disrupted. THEY OUTTA HANG FOR THIS!!!
What’s the excuse for not having a legitimate bounty system, especially for a live service?
FYI: Having three people write a couple of paragraphs each is not a “roundtable.” A roundtable involves an in-depth, usually lengthy, discussion of a topic where the participants (usually in the same room at the same time) go back and forth really examining a topic.
This is just a dressed up e-mail thread.
Jesus christ. I wish people would stop oversimplifying what goes into deciding who gets what skin despite cultural associations. The primary factor tends to be silhouette. If you can’t design a skin that’s true to the meaning without drastically altering the general shape of the character it’s no bueno for balance…
I am Chinese and I am absolutely fine with Mercy in a dress typically worn for the lunar new year. Wear a Chinese dress, make mooncakes for your coworkers for the autumn festival, whatever your skin color or blood line, as long as they are done tastefully and in appreciation for the cultural occasion you choose to…
for a second i was starting to have a panic attack worrying that i wouldn’t have anything important to get outraged over. thank god! now i can be outraged! this is a hill i’m definitely going to die on.
Hack Kotaku writer using an incredibly small sample size of terminally online perpetually outraged (probably white people) on X groups behalf in order to generate rage bait engagement for the article? Must be a day that ends with Y.
At this point, these criticisms are just noise. No matter what you do, you’re going to offend someone. If the skins had been kept culturally matched with characters, people would be bitching about characters being pigeonholed with their nationality.
This is such a terminally online take. The notion of bottling up each individual culture such that everyone stays in their respective lanes and culture can only be expressed or shared if someone has the exact same skin tone and nation-state lineage as you is so fucking backwards.
If people have issues with the…
Have any of these people stopped to consider that maybe it’s not the character but the player that is wearing it? I don’t play Overwatch anymore but as a Chinese American I liked having all my characters (Pharah, Roadhog & Symmetra) wearing Chinese garb because I am in fact Chinese. Should I only have to play Mei…
Calling this “cultural appropriation” seems like a massive stretch to me, and I’m liberal as all hell. You might as well say any white person cosplaying a character from Naruto, Demon Slayer, and Jujutsu Kaisen is guilty of cultural appropriation. Doesn’t that sound utterly stupid?
I don't know the writer of this article but Kenneth Shepard doesn't seem like a terribly Asian name to me. Are any Asian people actually upset? If they are let's talk about that but lets cut it out with the offended on others behalf bullshit.
Articles like this scream for a dislike button.
I find it fascinating that progressive people in favour of representing other people’s cultures find it offensive when the “wrong” character attempts to showcase said culture.