
Finally, some justice for the friends and family of Mr. Buttons. Gone, but not forgotten. Thank you. But how many ginger-people must die before I'm out of the greys?!

I wanted to have a Dragon like this. He doesn't want simply fair and virgin maids for tribute, but ones that are good conversionalists, well mannered, able to discuss classic works, history, etc. So he funds womens-only universities and libraries in the region.
Former tributes tend to have high placed positions in the

Not sad about it. I'm sick of people acting like Joan Rivers was a effing saint now that she has passed. Much of her professional persona was based on making vile jokes about people's appearance (see her joke that Avatar was shot on Gabourey Sidibe for just one example). She may have been a nice person personally, I

Besides introverts, "personality that fits with the team" can also be a fig leaf for sexism and racism.

I was...unsuccessful.

I don't get it. Pole dancers and escorts deserve to be treated like shit? That girl was a stripper once so she should never be respected again? Mmmmk....

Here's the biggest lie/deception that I ever perpetuated on my parents ...

There's a bookstore near me that stays open as late as the eccentric owner feels like staying, so I actually have gone in and browsed tipsy at one am. It's awesome and has a shop cat.

Once, in a fit of drunken derring-do, at the height of Riverdance mania, I convinced an entire bar in France that I was an accomplished Irish step dancer. I've never taken a lesson in my life.

Scandinavians also are rarely lactose intolerant!

We should not be banning nudity, maybe if we saw more naked people from all walks of life we wouldn't be so hung up about ourselves. Ive always thought that if we made being naked not such a big deal then womens bodies wouldn't be as sexualised as they are. Seeing breasts, penises and asses of all shapes regularly

It really is all about Ethics In Death Threats

I don't quite understand the preoccupation with mayors. I thought we were discussing a sorority here. Would you like to chat about mayors instead? Are mayors a special area of interest to you?

Oh man, as a dude, I used to have a HUGE collection of various sorority (and fraternity) t-shirts obtained through some folks not caring, various schemes, etc. I totally forgot how totally, irrationally, insanely angry some people get about this stuff! I will have to see if I have those lying around and mail them to

My mom texted my sister and I last night to me and I'm quoting here, "your supreme ct lady Ginsberg is one foot from the grave :)" A huge fight ensued which she ended with "Because God founded America! and if gay's marry God will overturn the SC! Night Love you!"

I've seen your other comments and you seem cool, but I don't really get why you're attacking any guy on here who points out that dick size changes. And calling that an "excuse" for dick size, like anyone needs to give excuses for their dick size? I'm confused.

I think what she is saying is "I give all of the fucks, there are no fucks left for you, for I have taken and am hoarding the complete total of the world's fucks".

His handler must have gone to the bathroom or something.

I don't think you're trying to say pranks are the real problem. That's just what the grammar of your sentence is implying. Like factually that is what it implies.

Here is an excerpt on "but" as a conjunction:

They probably have one of the hundreds of mugs or shirts you can buy with this exact wording on it and copied it.