
You're a great parody of a troll male Jezebel commenter, keep it up!

Instead of air travel, I should totally spend weeks of every year driving cross-country so my kid can see their disabled grandfather. Thanks, great idea.

I was walking down the street with a buddy of mine one halloween after a concert. We were both in costume and both in high spirits when we hear a shout from another costumed gent from across the street: "Hey, you wanna fight?" That's it, no insults, no taunting, we weren't even close enough to make eye contact.


I have no idea what really happened here, but I got wrongfully committed to a psych ward for having "delusions". I got came into the hospital with a very bizarre (but true) story, a doctor talked to me for 10 minutes, and involuntarily committed me for 72 hours. I was not making threats against myself or anyone else.

yeah, it might be fair to give them the benefit of the doubt, but then again it wasn't fair when I was pushed out into a road and had to dive out of the way from a car, or when I had to hide every break and lunch time out of fear of being beaten up, or when on the last day of my exams when I thought i was finally free

Seriously, if I had sympathy, empathy and consideration from the ages of 8 through 18, then there's no fucking excuse for it. Former bullies should just own up to it and make a concerted effort to prevent their own children from doing that shit (if they have any). If not, then they can continue to go fuck themselves.

Hell, yuo could hit a person with your car, on purpose, putting them in the hospital, and if the doctors found out that their liver was destroyed by the impact, and you were a perfect donor, they still could not force you to give up a lobe of your liver. They couldn't even force you to give them blood. Not even if you

She filed a civil lawsuit against him. Filing a lawsuit for damages, even in the amount of $7 million, is NOT extortion. It's how the American civil justice system works, you moron.

... being falsely accused of rape isn't as bad as being raped, either.

It's not a test of the dog's mental agility, any more than his/her physical agility. Also, you're a dick.

I don't know too much about geography, but it some countries orphanages are basically for profit and make money off the books selling kids, regardless of if they need a home. a lot of times the parents are illiterate and their culture doesn't have western adoption and the parents think they're sending the kid away to

Hm, well, read up on how hard it is for women to get sponsorships for big trips, and maybe you'll understand that this IS professional networking.

Kind of tired of one person saying, "Well, this is a shitty thing to do and no one should do it" and someone else feeling the need to pop up and explain that it's legal, as though that were relevant to the discussion.

I originally said something snappy, and now I feel bad. You seem to be very offended by people disagreeing with you, and that's up to you, but that doesn't mean anyone is trying to tell you how to live your life, or even how to comment on a site.

"Believe me, the parent of the tantruming child is having a worse day than you are."

Really? One person committed felony assault and battery in front of their child! While, the other offered much needed advice to a clearly terrible parent! You should not be torn, at all!

You're equating physical violence was with somebody being a little rude.

But if your child really doesn't throw tantrums, then how do you know how you'd react in that situation? Maybe you'd be struck by a bolt of self-awareness and think, "Wow, my discomfort in the cold is not more important than the discomfort of the dozens of shoppers who are being directly inconvenienced by my child,"

I wonder if some men interpreted "sex with two men" to mean "MMF threesome where I am one of the men".